Wednesday, 24 June 2015

Some tips for working on cakes during summer

Summer is hot, humid and sometimes threatening to the cake business. Sometimes, it becomes very tricky to deal with heat and as a result the droopy and melted butter-cream. The high temperature not only harms the icing layer, but it spoils the entire cake decoration as all sugar made decorative get sticky and the glitter also starts to lose its colour and shimmer.  Here are some tips to deal with summer and assure a beautiful yet stable cake decoration this season.

• As possible, keep your cake in cool temperature, while you are decorating, storing or transporting it.
• While you are preparing a big size cake for wedding or any such occasion, it is recommended that assemble it on the venue, right before the event.
• In case, you are thinking to present the pre-assembled cake to the venue, be sure about your transportation. The delivery van must be air-conditioned otherwise the cake can get weaken, melt or even collapse due to heat.
• During summers, replace the classic butter cream with Swiss Meringue butter cream or Italian butter cream. Adding Meringue powder in the regular butter cream makes it a bit harder and stable in hot climate.
• Using a bit less known cheese cream icing is a better and stable alternative to butter cream icing and it also it tastes good.
• While delivering a big sized cake always be prepared for any kind of emergency.  Having back up plan and cake-repairing kit is smart and professional tip to face any problem. This kit may include extra butter cream, some extra pieces of fondant or gum paste articles used in the cake, sprinkle decoration items, glitter sugar etc.
• Though cake should be kept in the refrigerator before the reception, but before final presentation it should be placed out and kept at room temperature for some time. A change in the temperature may cause condensation and the entire cake decoration may ruin due to this.

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