Friday, 12 June 2015

Cake decoration is fun, don’t fret about it

We all love cakes and most of us love to bake, so we know that it is not the easy thing like cooking. It is much trickier and involves a huge amount of risk of failure. It can be at any point, if the cake has not been rising properly or burnt, cracked, exploded or crumbled; the list goes on.

Here a little bit of creativity and the basic knowledge of tricks and techniques of cake decorating, you can cover almost all the shortcomings of your cake, except the burning. This sugar and cream made layer is not only the best way to hide your failure, but also it gives you an unlimited parameter to express your decoration art.

Magazines, food channels and a large number of websites show the great designer cakes which leave us breathless by their dazzling appearance, on the other hand they make us nervous also. Cake decoration does not need the chef style finishing each time. It is your hobby and your peace of heart, while you want to bake and present to your family, friends or a special loved one. So just listen to your heart and allow your mind to direct your hands to create some simple yet nice design on the baked surface.

A cake can be decorated in many ways, but it starts with icing every time. While you are a hobby baker at your home kitchen, we recommend to apply butter cream icing to spread it evenly through knife or spatula. Now, it’s time to redefine this cake in your own way by applying sprinkle or cake decoration. Sprinkle decoration means skilfully or sometimes roughly putting the sugar-made decorative items on the cake. It can be candy, cookies, cake glitters, little hearts, stars and anything else you can find from your grocery store or nearby mall.

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