Monday, 30 March 2015

A creative session with the icing tubes this Easter

How creative can you go? How imaginative is your soul? Just put that to a test this Easter with the ready-to-use icing tubes. Step out of the conventional Easter ideas. Of course you will keep an egg-hunt session and arrange for a family brunch. But in the late afternoon, before dressing up for a formal dinner party, go for a rejuvenating filler. 

Do something completely crazy, creative and exhilarating. Keep a ‘Painting With Icing’ session. 

If your house will be visited by a gang of toddlers this Easter, then they will simply shower upon you lots of kisses and love for this wonderful idea. And we do know that their parents, cousins, big brothers, sisters, uncles and aunts will not shy away at all.

Icings are irresistible to all who love cakes.

Since you are going to eat these works of art after selfies are taken and pics are uploaded on Instagram, you will need to arrange some plates and saucers as canvases for the masterpieces.

You will definitely not let them use your China. So buy lots of unbreakable melamine dishes.

For the paints, you need to shop a full range of icing tubes in all the colours available-- red, green, blue, pink, chocolate, yellow etc.

Buy in plenty since when the activity will start rolling, in no time you shall find that you have run out of tubes. Besides you cannot keep just one tube for a single colour and make the kids or the guests wait for their turns.

That will ruin the sport.

Make sure that the icings are made of completely natural ingredients. We are absolutely against the usage of artificial colours, flavours and hydrogenated fats and we can proudly say that not only the icing tubes or frosting, all of our cake decoration products are free of these harmful elements. 

So shop, paint and make the most of Easter 2015.

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